We all aspire to a point in time in our lives when we can “retire”. A pension plan is one
of the most tax efficient and easiest ways to provide income for later life.
Accessing retirement benefits means that we move
from the accumulation of assets to the decumulation
(spending) of assets.
There are a myriad of pension structures and it can all get very confusing…
- Personal Pension Plan
- PRSA (Personal retirement savings account)
- Individual Directors Pension Plan
- SSAP (Small Self-administered Pension scheme)
- PRB (Personal Retirement Bond)
- AVC (Additional Voluntary Contributions)

City Life Galway will ensure that…
No doubt you will have a number of questions and concerns
about your pension:
- How much should I pay?
- How will I know I’m on track to get the pension I need?
- Where should I invest my contributions?
- Which pension type is best for me?
- Will this impact upon my State Pension entitlements?
- Could I retire early?
- Is there a better way to provide for my retirement other than a pension plan?
- How can I increase my lump sum upon retirement from the Public Service?
- Could I buy a property through my pension plan? Are pension funds very risky?
- Should I transfer my pension e.g. from a foreign jurisdiction or out of an existing Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution scheme?
- Are pension funds very risky?
We’d be delighted to answer all of the above and indeed any other questions you may have.
Our objective is to get you the best possible financial outcome from your years of saving, so that you can live your
retirement years without worrying about ever running out of money.
Do something today that your future self will thank you for
No obligation, let’s talk about your needs Book Appointment